Entoloma Abortivum – Identify Mushroom

Entoloma Abortivum – Identify mushroom

I was amazed when I first discovered Entoloma Abortivum while out foraging in the woods. I had never seen anything like it before and was excited to learn more about this unique mushroom.

Taxonomy and mushroom: Entoloma abortivum, also known as the aborted entoloma, is a species of fungus in the Entolomataceae family. It is often found in association with honey mushrooms, Armillaria mellea.

Description of what it looks like:
– The cap of the mushroom is convex, with a diameter ranging from 2 to 10 centimeters. It has a moist and sticky surface, and its color can vary from pink to reddish-brown.

Distribution and habitat:
– Entoloma abortivum is commonly found in North America and Europe, often growing in clusters on decaying wood, particularly in mixed hardwood and conifer forests. It is known to have a mycorrhizal association with honey mushrooms.

– While Entoloma abortivum is not considered toxic, it is often mistaken for the edible honey mushroom (Armillaria mellea), which can lead to misidentification and potential poisoning.

– Most commonly, Entoloma abortivum is not used for culinary purposes. However, it plays an important ecological role as a decomposer in forest ecosystems.

In culture:
– In some cultures, there are folklore and traditions associated with mushrooms like Entoloma abortivum, but it is not widely used or recognized for its cultural significance.


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