GuruNanda Coconut & Peppermint Oil Pulling (8 Fl.Oz) with Tongue Scraper – Honest Reviews

GuruNanda Coconut & Peppermint Oil Pulling (8 Fl.Oz) with Tongue Scraper - Honest Reviews

GuruNanda Coconut & Peppermint Oil Pulling: A Natural Way to Freshen Your Breath and Whiten Your Teeth

The bottom line

If you’re looking for a natural way to freshen your breath, whiten your teeth, and support your overall oral health, GuruNanda Coconut & Peppermint Oil Pulling might just be the answer.

Pricing and Comparison

Now, let’s talk about the cost. GuruNanda’s oil pulling product comes in an 8 fl.oz bottle, which might seem a bit pricey compared to your regular mouthwash. But here’s the thing – you’re not just getting any old oral care product. You’re investing in a natural, ancient Ayurvedic practice that’s been used for centuries to promote healthy teeth and gums. Plus, when you think about the potential savings on dental bills down the line, it could be a smart investment.

Coupon Codes and Discounts

Keep your eyes peeled for any coupon codes or discounts that might be floating around. You never know when you might be able to snag a deal on this awesome oil pulling product!

Customer Reviews

People have a lot to say about GuruNanda Coconut & Peppermint Oil Pulling! Check out some of these reviews:

  • “I’ve been using this product for a few weeks now, and I’ve already noticed a difference in the whiteness of my teeth. Plus, my breath feels fresher throughout the day.”
  • “I love that this oil pulling product is all-natural. It makes me feel good about what I’m putting in my mouth.”
  • “The peppermint flavor is really refreshing, and the tongue scraper is a nice bonus. It’s become a regular part of my oral care routine.”

With a 4.5 out of 5 stars rating on Amazon and 74% of customers giving it a 5-star review, it’s clear that folks are loving this product. But as with anything, individual results may vary, so it’s always a good idea to listen to your own body and consult with your dentist if you have any concerns.

Pros and Cons


  • Supports a healthy oral microbiome
  • Removes harmful oral bacteria
  • Naturally whitens teeth and promotes gum health
  • Made with 100% pure fractionated coconut oil and peppermint essential oil
  • Comes with a tongue scraper for added oral hygiene


  • Higher price point than regular mouthwash
  • Texture and consistency may not be pleasant for everyone
  • Recommended 10 minutes of swishing can be a bit long for some people


All in all, if you’re looking for a natural way to level up your oral care game, GuruNanda Coconut & Peppermint Oil Pulling is definitely worth a try. Just remember to be patient with the process and give it some time to work its magic. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic practice for yourself, go ahead and give it a swish! Your mouth will thank you.

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