Stash Black Tea – Honest Review

Black tea – Honest Review


Stash’s Black tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which undergoes full oxidation.

  • It has a dark reddish-gold hue, a hearty flavor, and a moderate amount of caffeine.
  • Contains polyphenols like epigallocatechin gallate, theaflavins, and thearubigins, which protect against chronic disorders.

Benefits: Base on my experience, I find black tea to be a wonderful beverage choice for my family. It keeps me mentally alert throughout the day.


  • Personally, it provides me comfort and soothing effect, especially during my stressful times.
  • For me, it boosts my energy levels and enhances mental alertness, making it a perfect companion for a productive day.


  • In my perspective it contains caffeine , so avoid before bedtime.
  • I came up on excessive consumption of black tea that stain teeth over time, requiring additional dental care.

  • Many users find relief from congestion using these teas.
  • Some report improved breathing and overall comfort.

Scientific evidence:

  • It has a high antioxidant content helps protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, while its caffeine content provides a gentle energy boost.
  • I would like to recommend black tea into daily routine and wonderful addition to a balanced lifestyle.

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